Academic Listening Skills

Lots of listening practice for international university students and EAP Teachers. Academic Listening Practice. Academic Listening Worksheets. Academic Listening Skills. 


TED TALKS: Comprehension Questions

Level: ***** [B2/C1]

A selection of TED Talk lectures ranging from 8 minutes – 20 minutes. The worksheets are open comprehension questions based on key points and supporting details. The sheets also include a section on critical thinking questions. Overall, this will help improve overall academic listening skills. Click here

TED TALKS: Listening Test Questions 10+ minutes 

Level: ***** [B2/C1]

 10 long (10-14 minute) TED TALK lectures. The worksheets are a variety of question types (true, false, not given / matching ideas / open questions / gap fills / information tables / summaries). The tests are designed to replicate university English programme tests / exams. Click here

TED TALKS: Listening Test Questions 4-6 minutes

Level: ***** [B2/C1]

10 short (4-6 minute) ) TED TALK lectures. The worksheets are a variety of question types (true, false, not given / matching ideas / open questions / gap fills / information tables / summaries). The tests are designed to replicate university English programme tests / exams. Click here

Academic Listening Worksheets

Level: ***** [B2/C1/C2]

Here you will find a whole range of different listening worksheets and videos. These worksheets are on presentations, what is academic English? Tourist attractions in the UK and other helpful videos connected to Academic English.   Click here

University Lectures

Level: ***** [C1/C2]

Real academic listening skills for lectures from Stanford / Oxford / Harvard / Yale / NASA / RSA / Edinburgh and Australia. The lectures include power point and range in times from 40 – 60 minutes. The worksheets are open comprehension questions based on the main ideas and important supporting details. Click here

Academic Listening Skills – AEUK Tests 

Level: ***** [B2/C1/C2]

New The tests are a recording around 10-14 minutes long. The worksheets are a variety of question types (true, false, not given / matching ideas / open questions / gap fills / information tables / summaries). The tests are designed to replicate university English programme tests and examsClick here

BBC 6 Minute English

Level: ***** [B1/B2]   /  Members

Based on a radio show where the presenters discuss a variety of topics. The topic are key news stories and current affairs. The worksheets are usually six comprehension questions based around the key points and include critical thinking. Click here

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